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How to make Pong in Unity Lesson 5

Play Classic Pong

For this lesson, we will show you how to fix the flow of your pong game. Right now that ball we just start moving automatically, we want to fix this so the ball only starts moving once a player has given some input.

We need to add some code to the update function of our GameController script, so go ahead and open it up. First, we want to set the inPlay variable to true but we only want to do this if it is false and the gameOver variable is also false. We also only want to do this if the players click the mouse to start the ball moving.

void Update () {
		if(inPlay == false && gameOver != true)
			if(Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1") || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
				inPlay = true;
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape))
using Photon.Chat;
using Photon.Pun;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class PhotonChatManager : MonoBehaviour, IChatClientListener
    #region Setup

    [SerializeField] GameObject joinChatButton;
    ChatClient chatClient;
    bool isConnected;
    [SerializeField] string username;

    public void UsernameOnValueChange(string valueIn)
        username = valueIn;

    public void ChatConnectOnClick()
        isConnected = true;
        chatClient = new ChatClient(this);
        //chatClient.ChatRegion = "US";
        chatClient.Connect(PhotonNetwork.PhotonServerSettings.AppSettings.AppIdChat, PhotonNetwork.AppVersion, new AuthenticationValues(username));

    #endregion Setup

    #region General

    [SerializeField] GameObject chatPanel;
    string privateReceiver = "";
    string currentChat;
    [SerializeField] InputField chatField;
    [SerializeField] Text chatDisplay;

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()


    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (isConnected)

        if (chatField.text != "" && Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Return))

    #endregion General

    #region PublicChat

    public void SubmitPublicChatOnClick()
        if (privateReceiver == "")
            chatClient.PublishMessage("RegionChannel", currentChat);
            chatField.text = "";
            currentChat = "";

    public void TypeChatOnValueChange(string valueIn)
        currentChat = valueIn;

    #endregion PublicChat

    #region PrivateChat

    public void ReceiverOnValueChange(string valueIn)
        privateReceiver = valueIn;

    public void SubmitPrivateChatOnClick()
        if (privateReceiver != "")
            chatClient.SendPrivateMessage(privateReceiver, currentChat);
            chatField.text = "";
            currentChat = "";

    #endregion PrivateChat

    #region Callbacks

    public void DebugReturn(DebugLevel level, string message)
        //throw new System.NotImplementedException();

    public void OnChatStateChange(ChatState state)
        if(state == ChatState.Uninitialized)
            isConnected = false;

    public void OnConnected()
        chatClient.Subscribe(new string[] { "RegionChannel" });

    public void OnDisconnected()
        isConnected = false;

    public void OnGetMessages(string channelName, string[] senders, object[] messages)
        string msgs = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < senders.Length; i++)
            msgs = string.Format("{0}: {1}", senders[i], messages[i]);

            chatDisplay.text += "\n" + msgs;



    public void OnPrivateMessage(string sender, object message, string channelName)
        string msgs = "";

        msgs = string.Format("(Private) {0}: {1}", sender, message);

        chatDisplay.text += "\n " + msgs;


    public void OnStatusUpdate(string user, int status, bool gotMessage, object message)
        throw new System.NotImplementedException();

    public void OnSubscribed(string[] channels, bool[] results)

    public void OnUnsubscribed(string[] channels)
        throw new System.NotImplementedException();

    public void OnUserSubscribed(string channel, string user)
        throw new System.NotImplementedException();

    public void OnUserUnsubscribed(string channel, string user)
        throw new System.NotImplementedException();

    #endregion Callbacks

Once inPlay is true we then need to switch over back to our BallController script and add some code. In the Update function of this script, we want to add another if statement around everything we’ve already added. This if statement will get the inPlay variable from the GameController instance and check to make sure it is true. This will make it so the ball will only start moving once a player has clicked the mouse, ultimately helping with the flow of the game. 

Your new Update function for the BallController script should look something like this

void Update () {
	if(GameController.instance.inPlay == true)
                		setSpeed = true;
                		xSpeed = Random.Range(-2f, 2f);
               		ySpeed = Random.Range(-2f, 2f);
using Photon.Chat;
using Photon.Pun;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class PhotonChatManager : MonoBehaviour, IChatClientListener
    #region Setup

    [SerializeField] GameObject joinChatButton;
    ChatClient chatClient;
    bool isConnected;
    [SerializeField] string username;

    public void UsernameOnValueChange(string valueIn)
        username = valueIn;

    public void ChatConnectOnClick()
        isConnected = true;
        chatClient = new ChatClient(this);
        //chatClient.ChatRegion = "US";
        chatClient.Connect(PhotonNetwork.PhotonServerSettings.AppSettings.AppIdChat, PhotonNetwork.AppVersion, new AuthenticationValues(username));

    #endregion Setup

    #region General

    [SerializeField] GameObject chatPanel;
    string privateReceiver = "";
    string currentChat;
    [SerializeField] InputField chatField;
    [SerializeField] Text chatDisplay;

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()


    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (isConnected)

        if (chatField.text != "" && Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Return))

    #endregion General

    #region PublicChat

    public void SubmitPublicChatOnClick()
        if (privateReceiver == "")
            chatClient.PublishMessage("RegionChannel", currentChat);
            chatField.text = "";
            currentChat = "";

    public void TypeChatOnValueChange(string valueIn)
        currentChat = valueIn;

    #endregion PublicChat

    #region PrivateChat

    public void ReceiverOnValueChange(string valueIn)
        privateReceiver = valueIn;

    public void SubmitPrivateChatOnClick()
        if (privateReceiver != "")
            chatClient.SendPrivateMessage(privateReceiver, currentChat);
            chatField.text = "";
            currentChat = "";

    #endregion PrivateChat

    #region Callbacks

    public void DebugReturn(DebugLevel level, string message)
        //throw new System.NotImplementedException();

    public void OnChatStateChange(ChatState state)
        if(state == ChatState.Uninitialized)
            isConnected = false;

    public void OnConnected()
        chatClient.Subscribe(new string[] { "RegionChannel" });

    public void OnDisconnected()
        isConnected = false;

    public void OnGetMessages(string channelName, string[] senders, object[] messages)
        string msgs = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < senders.Length; i++)
            msgs = string.Format("{0}: {1}", senders[i], messages[i]);

            chatDisplay.text += "\n" + msgs;



    public void OnPrivateMessage(string sender, object message, string channelName)
        string msgs = "";

        msgs = string.Format("(Private) {0}: {1}", sender, message);

        chatDisplay.text += "\n " + msgs;


    public void OnStatusUpdate(string user, int status, bool gotMessage, object message)
        throw new System.NotImplementedException();

    public void OnSubscribed(string[] channels, bool[] results)

    public void OnUnsubscribed(string[] channels)
        throw new System.NotImplementedException();

    public void OnUserSubscribed(string channel, string user)
        throw new System.NotImplementedException();

    public void OnUserUnsubscribed(string channel, string user)
        throw new System.NotImplementedException();

    #endregion Callbacks

Now save this script and go back to the GameController script.

The next thing we can add for the flow of our game is a mechanic to load to the main menu that we will be creating. To do this we will add a new if statement to the Update function. This if statement will check for the input of play when they do something like clicking the escape key. If this if statement is true then we will load scene 0.

We will then one more way for the players to load back to the main menu scene. This will be done with a new public void function called MainMenu. Inside this function, we will just load scene 0. This function will be used for a button on our game over panel.

Our Final script


using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

public class GameController : MonoBehaviour {

    public static GameController instance;

	public bool inPlay = false;
	bool gameOver = false;

	public int scoreOne;
	public int scoreTwo;
    [SerializeField] int scoreToWin;

	public Text textOne;
	public Text textTwo;

	[SerializeField] GameObject gameOverPanel;
	[SerializeField] Text winnerText;

    private void OnEnable()
        instance = this;

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update () {
		if(inPlay == false && gameOver != true)
			if(Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1") || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
				inPlay = true;
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape))

    void Winner()
            if(scoreOne >= scoreToWin)
                gameOver = true;
                winnerText.text = "Player 1 Wins";
            if(scoreTwo >= scoreToWin)
                gameOver = true;
                winnerText.text = "Player 2 Wins";

	public void MainMenu()
using Photon.Chat;
using Photon.Pun;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class PhotonChatManager : MonoBehaviour, IChatClientListener
    #region Setup

    [SerializeField] GameObject joinChatButton;
    ChatClient chatClient;
    bool isConnected;
    [SerializeField] string username;

    public void UsernameOnValueChange(string valueIn)
        username = valueIn;

    public void ChatConnectOnClick()
        isConnected = true;
        chatClient = new ChatClient(this);
        //chatClient.ChatRegion = "US";
        chatClient.Connect(PhotonNetwork.PhotonServerSettings.AppSettings.AppIdChat, PhotonNetwork.AppVersion, new AuthenticationValues(username));

    #endregion Setup

    #region General

    [SerializeField] GameObject chatPanel;
    string privateReceiver = "";
    string currentChat;
    [SerializeField] InputField chatField;
    [SerializeField] Text chatDisplay;

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()


    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (isConnected)

        if (chatField.text != "" && Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Return))

    #endregion General

    #region PublicChat

    public void SubmitPublicChatOnClick()
        if (privateReceiver == "")
            chatClient.PublishMessage("RegionChannel", currentChat);
            chatField.text = "";
            currentChat = "";

    public void TypeChatOnValueChange(string valueIn)
        currentChat = valueIn;

    #endregion PublicChat

    #region PrivateChat

    public void ReceiverOnValueChange(string valueIn)
        privateReceiver = valueIn;

    public void SubmitPrivateChatOnClick()
        if (privateReceiver != "")
            chatClient.SendPrivateMessage(privateReceiver, currentChat);
            chatField.text = "";
            currentChat = "";

    #endregion PrivateChat

    #region Callbacks

    public void DebugReturn(DebugLevel level, string message)
        //throw new System.NotImplementedException();

    public void OnChatStateChange(ChatState state)
        if(state == ChatState.Uninitialized)
            isConnected = false;

    public void OnConnected()
        chatClient.Subscribe(new string[] { "RegionChannel" });

    public void OnDisconnected()
        isConnected = false;

    public void OnGetMessages(string channelName, string[] senders, object[] messages)
        string msgs = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < senders.Length; i++)
            msgs = string.Format("{0}: {1}", senders[i], messages[i]);

            chatDisplay.text += "\n" + msgs;



    public void OnPrivateMessage(string sender, object message, string channelName)
        string msgs = "";

        msgs = string.Format("(Private) {0}: {1}", sender, message);

        chatDisplay.text += "\n " + msgs;


    public void OnStatusUpdate(string user, int status, bool gotMessage, object message)
        throw new System.NotImplementedException();

    public void OnSubscribed(string[] channels, bool[] results)

    public void OnUnsubscribed(string[] channels)
        throw new System.NotImplementedException();

    public void OnUserSubscribed(string channel, string user)
        throw new System.NotImplementedException();

    public void OnUserUnsubscribed(string channel, string user)
        throw new System.NotImplementedException();

    #endregion Callbacks

Now save all your script and go back to Unity. Inside Unity, all we need to do is set the OnClick event of our MenuButton object.

We also need to create a new scene and set up the build order for our game. Go ahead and save your game scene then go to File>New Scene. New will build this new scene in the next lesson but for now, just save it. We then want to go to File>Build Settings and add both your new scene and the game scene into the Scene In Build field with the new scene as scene 0.

To test your project you will not be able to do much yet with this new main menu scene but you should be able to see the ball start and stop and be able to load into the main menu scene.