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Address Book – Cross Platform Native Plugins: Essential Kit



0:00 Welcome to Address Book CPNP2
0:18 Overview
0:34 Setup
1:05 Usage

The Address Book allows the user to access their contacts inside your game. This can be helpful in sharing your game.


using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using VoxelBusters.CoreLibrary;
using VoxelBusters.EssentialKit;

public class IG_AddressBookService : MonoBehaviour
    public static IG_AddressBookService instance;

    AddressBookContactsAccessStatus status;

    public IAddressBookContact[] allContacts; //IG_AddressBookService.instance.allContacts[index];

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        instance = this;

    public void ReadContacts()
        status = AddressBook.GetContactsAccessStatus();
        if (status == AddressBookContactsAccessStatus.NotDetermined)
            AddressBook.RequestContactsAccess(callback: OnRequestContactsAccessFinish);
        if(status == AddressBookContactsAccessStatus.Authorized)

    private void OnRequestContactsAccessFinish(AddressBookRequestContactsAccessResult result, Error error)
        Debug.Log("Request for contacts access finished.");
        Debug.Log("Address book contacts access status: " + result.AccessStatus);
        if (result.AccessStatus == AddressBookContactsAccessStatus.Authorized)

    private void OnReadContactsFinish(AddressBookReadContactsResult result, Error error)
        if (error == null)
            allContacts = result.Contacts;

            var contacts = result.Contacts;
            Debug.Log("Request to read contacts finished successfully.");
            Debug.Log("Total contacts fetched: " + contacts.Length);
            Debug.Log("Below are the contact details (capped to first 10 results only):");
            for (int iter = 0; iter < contacts.Length && iter < 10; iter++)
                Debug.Log(string.Format("[{0}]: {1}", iter, contacts[iter]));
            Debug.Log("Request to read contacts failed with error. Error: " + error);